🇮🇩 ВОЛОНТЕР В Польшу - Дедлайн 10 апреля 12:00 (GMT)! Партнерская организация из Кракова открывает набор 32 волонтеров из разных стран Европы для участия в международных проектах, популяризации неформального образования, активного европейского гражданства. Работа в молодежных организациях и детских садах. 🌍 Где: Краков, Польша 📅 Когда? С 1.10.2017 по 30.06.2018 💎 Что получает волонтер? Полное покрытие расходов: 100% расходов на проживание, питание, карманные деньги, медицинская страховка, местный транспорт, поддержку в изучении языка и 100% расходов на проезд и визу (при условии, что вы вкладываетесь в бюджетный лимит). 👪 Принимающая организация STRIM association is realizing hosting projects in the framework of the European Voluntary Service (Youth in Action Program) since 2002. Every year from October till June we host about twenty young people from EU and non-EU countries, who work on the long term projects in different kindergartens, youth clubs and youth associations in Krakow. The theme of all our EVS projects is the development of international cooperation and European awareness by intercultural learning. The objective of our project is to give to our volunteers the possibility of developing their competences and skills through the work in the Polish educational institutions, to create an atmosphere of international cooperation in their Hosting Organizations and to create the opportunities for intercultural learning for children and youth. Volunteers working in the Hosting Organizations have two main tasks: taking active participation in daily life of their organization and promoting their own cultures and countries, by providing their own small cultural projects. The connection between all those volunteers is STRIM Association itself. One volunteer working directly in the STRIM is responsible for the integration of volunteers in the local community, their cultural activities, as well as communication and promotion of the results of the project. The Strim volunteer is responsible also for writing down and putting on his/her blog all constructive outcomes of the projects. Volunteers in Krakow have also the possibility to spend their leisure time together, discuss their working methods, daily life, cultural differences, ideas and reflections. They take active participation in all national activities organized by Strim as integration meetings, evaluations, promotion of the EVS, Volunteers Day etc. Each volunteer is also supported by MENTORS, and is learning Polish language in the tandem with Polish native speaker. The results of EVS projects are presented in the publication or exposition at the end of the project. As an EVS-volunteer you will get the chance to broaden your skills and interests in working with international projects that promotes multicultural education for an active European civil society, together with our members and partner organisations. Подробней в инфолисте. 📍Кого мы ищем? - девушка или парень от 18 до 30 лет; - знание английского языка на среднем уровне, знание польского не обязательно, но приветствуется. - готовность к творческой и педагогической работе; 💣 До 10 апреля 12:00 (GMT) присылайте заполненную аппликационную форму на английском языке на мейл контактного лица из инфопака. Пожалуйста, указывайте в теме письма "EVS Candidate - Youth NGO Iskra - UKRAINE".